Why Use Rush Alert.

Elevate your personal security with intelligent distress notifications, real-time location sharing, and rapid response features. Whether you’re commuting, traveling, or simply going about your day, trust Rush Alert to be your steadfast companion in times of need. Empower yourself with the ultimate transit security solution.

Why Rush Alert ?

Trips Feature

Set time intervals when moving between locations. You can add multiple location and time interval for the application to check on you.


This Feature allows you to request an escort to take you to different location on your organization's compound.

Distress Notification

This feature allows you to send distress alerts to your emergency contacts if you encounter any potential danger.

Driver Identification

This feature allows the user to share their drivers license plate number with their emergency contacts

Track Location

By turning on your track location, you give your emergency contacts permission to view your live location when an alert is sent.

Rush Alert Community Platform

With this platform, administrators can monitor the users in their organization who download the Rush Alert app.

Panic Button

Two Tap Panic Button.

Introducing the Rush Alert Panic Button. Seamlessly integrated into our app, it’s your instant lifeline in moments of distress. With a double tap, summon help and reassurance, making personal safety a priority. Travel confidently with the power of the Rush Alert Panic Button at your fingertips.

Trips feature

Start A Trip When In Transit.

Set time intervals when moving between locations. You can add multiple location and time interval for the app to check on you during transit. 

Rush Alert Community Platform

Monitor Your Human Assets

Gain comprehensive control and insights into the safety of your community members using the Rush Alert app. Monitor user activity, manage emergency contacts, and coordinate responses seamlessly. Elevate your duty of care with the ultimate admin solution, ensuring security for all.

I've Never felt safer while commuting until I started using Rush Alert. The panic button feature is a life changer- its like my guardian angel in my pocket.
Mahalia Cole
As a parent I was concerned about my daughter's safety when she started commuting to school. Rush Alert does not only ease my worries but gave me a sense of security.
Sarah Brown